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Varshphal (The Annual Horoscope in Vedic Astrology)

Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences prevailing today, providing individuals with insights into their lives, personalities, destinies and guiding them as a roadmap for life. Varshphal, also known as Annual Horoscope, Solar Return, or Tithi Pravesh, is a unique tool for an in-depth analysis of an individual’s upcoming one-year period. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of this powerful vedic technique, exploring its origins, fundamental principles, and how it can provide valuable guidance and help you plan your year ahead. The Origins of Vedic Varshphal: Varshphal finds its roots in Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, an ancient astrological system of cosmic knowledge that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is an amazingly accurate technique providing broad trends for the year. Tithi Pravesh was developed within this framework to provide a detailed analysis of a person’s life and the events they will go through in the upcoming year. The Concept of Varshphal Horoscope: At its core, the horoscope is constructed based on the positions of the Sun & Moon at the exact moment of an individual’s birth each year, which can offer valuable insights into the events and experiences that person is likely to encounter in the coming year. This relationship between the Sun and Moon is known as “Tithi” or the “Lunar Day.” We are born on the same tithi every year, which can differ from the solar day. This tithi provides accurate timelines for predicting events. For example, if an individual is born on 8th August 2002, on panchami tithi, or the 5th lunar day. Next year, it may not be necessary that panchami will fall again on 8th August; instead, the tithi may fall on 18th August 2003. Hence, every year, we may have a different date of birth, which needs to be calculated through Panchanga. This is also why we celebrate festivals on a different date each year. Key Principles : The Annual Tithi Pravesh Chart or the Annual Horoscope: There are two aspects to calculate the chart. The first element of analysis is the Solar Return when the Sun reaches the same zodiac sign occupied at the time of birth. The second component is the position of the Moon, which may be in a different sign than the birth horoscope. The critical aspect here is that the distance between the Sun and the Moon should be the same as at the time of the birth. When we have the same distance, we record all the planetary placements and create the horoscope. Planetary Influences: Like the birth horoscope, annual chart analysis also considers the positions and aspects of all the planets in the Tithi Pravesh. These positions are then interpreted to understand their potential impact on various aspects of the individual’s life, such as career, relationships, health, and finances in the upcoming year. For example, the placement of Venus in the tithi pravesh can provide insights into matters of love, relationships, and creativity, while Mars may signify action, drive, and conflict. The interactions (aspects) between these planets further refine the interpretation. House System: It uses the same twelve houses as traditional Vedic astrology, each governing specific areas of life. The planets placement in these houses provides insights into the corresponding areas of life that will be highlighted during the year. The twelve houses in the tithi pravesh correspond to specific areas of life, much like in natal astrology. Here’s a brief overview of the houses and their associations: First House (Ascendant): Self, identity, appearance. Second House: Finances, possessions, values. Third House: Communication, siblings, short trips. Fourth House: Home, family, roots. Fifth House: Creativity, romance, children. Sixth House: Health, work, daily routines. Seventh House: Partnerships, marriage, contracts. Eighth House: Transformation, shared resources, sexuality. Ninth House: Higher education, travel, spirituality. Tenth House (Midheaven): Career, public life, reputation. Eleventh House: Friendships, goals, social networks, income. Twelfth House: Isolation, spirituality, hidden matters. The planets positions in these houses provide clues about the areas of life most prominent during the year. Planetary Transits: Transits in relation to the natal kundli are also evaluated in the predictions. These can indicate periods of change, growth, challenges, or opportunities throughout the year. For example, if Jupiter travels through the second house of finances in the tithi pravesh, it may indicate a year of financial growth and abundance. Conversely, Saturn’s transit through the seventh house could signify challenges or transformations in one’s relationships. Yogas and Dashas: Astrology often involves using Yogas (combinations of planetary positions) and Dasha (planetary periods) in analysis. These factors can reveal important themes and timing within the year. For instance, a “Raj Yoga” may indicate a year of heightened status and success. At the same time, the Dasha of a malefic planet during a challenging yoga period might signify obstacles and delays. Benefits of Varshphal Analysis: Self-Reflection: The analysis encourages individuals to reflect on their past year and evaluate their aspirations for the year ahead. It can be a powerful way for self-awareness and personal growth. Strategic Planning: By understanding the potential challenges and opportunities in the coming year, individuals can make informed decisions and set goals accordingly for the upcoming year. It can be particularly valuable for health, career planning, relationship dynamics, financial stability, and other significant life aspects. Timing Events: It can provide insights into when specific events or changes will likely occur throughout the year. This can be beneficial for timing significant life decisions. Understanding Karma: The analysis can reveal recurring themes in an individual’s life. By examining multiple annual charts over several years, one can identify patterns an individual follows over the years, gaining a deeper understanding of their life journey. How to Interpret Annual horoscope: Interpreting the chart requires a deep understanding of astrology and a keen intuition. Astrologers consider the unique combination of planetary influences, house placements, and other vital aspects to offer insights into various aspects of an individual’s life. Here are some significant aspects that tithi pravesh analysis can address: Career and Finance: We can get significant guidance on career prospects, promotions, job changes, and financial stability for the year.. Relationships: It can shed light on romantic relationships, marriage, and

Varshphal (The Annual Horoscope in Vedic Astrology) Read More »

Know About Your Career With Vedic Astrology

Career plays an important role in our life, today we have so many options to choose from, hence the question stands, which career path would be right for us? Astrology helps us in understanding the answer for this, In Vedic Astrology there are different aspects which needs to be analyzed in a chart in order to understand our career in astrology, the three of the most important charts are: D1 Chart D10 Chart Moon Sign & 10th house from the Moon D1 Chart in Horoscope: The D1 chart also known as Lagna chart is the most important chart in vedic astrology, it analyses all the different aspects of a person’s life, In order to understand our career in D1 chart we need to analyse the Ascendant (1st house) & its lord, also the 10th house & its lord. D10 Chart in Horoscope: The D10 chart or the Dasamsha is the divisional chart of the 10th house, in order to understand our Karma or the career more deeply with need to analyse our D10 chart. Moon Sign in Horoscope: In astrology, the moon represents our state of mind, emotions, our inclinations & interests in life, hence studying the moon sign becomes important to understand what the person desires for, the 10th house from the moon sign determines the desires towards the career & how he can progress towards it. Conclusion: Finally when we combine all these points we can relate to what career a person can have to succeed in life & what steps he can take towards attaining the growth they desires. Analyse the lagna & lagna lord Analyse the 10th house and its lord Study the moon sign & 10th house from moon Analyse the D10 & 10th from D10 Let astrology show you the path to your most successful career Book Your Career Reading Today Instagram Youtube

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Relationship in Vedic Astrology

“When will i get married? When will I meet my soulmate? When will I be in a relationship? Will I marry the person I love ?” Have you ever thought about these questions, if yes then this blog is for you. In Astrology many a times we hear these questions about relationships, and yes astrology can help us in finding the answer to these questions, The 7th house in astrology is the house of marriage, the 5th house in astrology is the house of love/children, so whenever we our discussing about the marriage aspects of a person’s life, we need to analyse the 7th house of the horoscope, and when we are discussing about the love/relationship, then we need to analyse the 5th house of the horoscope. Significator of Relationships in Astrology: Venus is the significator of all the relationships in a person’s life, whether we are talking about a relationship/marriage, whether it’s a male person’s chart or female, Venus is the significator of the relationships and will tell us that how the relationship will be, but when we are discussing about the characteristics of the partner, or the timing of the relationship/marriage, in that case the significator would be different, Venus is the significator of women in a man’s horoscope, whereas Jupiter is the significator of a man in a women’s horoscope. Marriage/Relationship chart in Astrology: The D1/Lagna chart in Astrology is the primary chart of a person, but when we need to analyse a single aspect of a person’s life such as marriage/carrer/health, etc, in that case we also need to analyse the divisional chart of that house/aspect, in marriage the divisional chart that needs to be analysed is D9/Navamsa Chart. Timing of Relationship/Marriage in Astrology: Timing is the most crucial aspect while analysing the relationship aspect of a person’s life, as there different aspects that needs to be analysed in order to get the right timing for a relationship: Analyse the 7th house of the horoscope: we need to check whether the 7th house allows the marriage in a person’s life or not, as if there are malefic influence in the 7th house it can delay the marriage, even if the timing or the planetary formation is present, in certain scenario 7th house can even deny the marriage for the person, for the timing of marriage the 7th house must be activated by the Dasha(Time period in Astrology). Analyse the lord of the 7th house: once we analyse the 7th lord, we need to analyse the situation of the 7th lord, if the lord is connected with malefics it may delay the marriage, when it is with benifics and the 7th house is also helped by benifics the relationship will be good and will be at the right age, for timing of marriage if the 7th lord is activated by Dasha, the person may have the marriage if supported by other factors and planets. Analyse Venus/Jupiter: When analysing the horoscope of a male, analyse the position of venus if it is connected by malefic, the marriage will be delayed if the 7th house and lord are also with malefics it will promise the delay, if venus is supported by the benifics it will bring the relationship sooner in a person’s life, the same needs to be analysed for Jupiter in a women’s chart. Position of Venus & Jupiter from the 7th house: the position of both of these planets also needs to be analysed from the 7th house as well as if they are in malefic positions such as 6th house, 8th house, or the 12th house from 7th house it will delay the marriage. Position of Lagna Lord from 7th house & 7th lord: these positions should also be checked and also the lagna lord needs to be analysed as Lagna is the self in case the Lagna Lord is in malefic houses from 7th lord or 7th house of marriage or if hemmed between malefics this can also create issues at the time of marriage. Analyse the D9(Navamsa Chart): The Navamsa chart also needs to be analysed as it is the most important chart when we discuss about the marriage & relationship aspects of a person’s life, when both the D1 and D9 allows marriage and the time period is also supported the person will have the marriage. Find out your compatibility with your partner Book Your Relationship Reading Today Instagram Youtube

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What is birth chart analysis?

Birth Chart Analysis is the analysis of the planetary position at the time of birth, and their impact on our day to day life, In Ancient Vedic Astrology the birth chart reading is done using the combination of 9 planets and their positions in the 12 signs of the zodiac. Every day we feel different emotions, face different challenges on all the three planes of life i.e. physical, mental and spiritual, but these events are not accidental, Our birth chart indicates timing for all these events which occur in our life, our health, marriage, career, wealth, foreign settlement, losses, and even death occurs when the planets forms the right alignment for delivering these results. Are birth chart reading accurate? The accuracy of the birth chart reading is determined on the accuracy of the birth chart itself, there are 3 key elements for the accuracy of the birth chart i.e. Date of Birth, Time of Birth, & Place of Birth, if these information are correctly recorded at the birth, then the predictions provided are highly accurate, if these information are incorrect or unknown then the other methods such as Palmistry, Tarot Card Reading, Numerology, which can help to get accurate predictions. Elements in birth chart: There are 3 key elements in the birth chart reading: Planets: In Vedic Astrology there are 9 planets governing the different aspects of our lives, there planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, these 9 planets and their association in the horoscope determines how we react to different situations in life, as some planets are friendly towards each other, some are neutral, & some are inimical towards the other. Signs: In Vedic Astrology there are 12 signs in the entire zodiac these signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, & Pisces, these signs are ruled by the planets as Sun is the ruler of the sign Leo, Moon rules Cancer, Mars rules Aries & Scorpio, Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo, Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius & Pisces, Venus rules Taurus & Libra, Saturn rules, Capricorn & Aquarius, whereas Rahu & Ketu are not physical planets and also known as shadow planets in astrology as they cast a shadow on sun & moon during eclipse, so no ownership of sign has been given to Rahu or Ketu but still they becomes co-lords for signs, Rahu is the co-lord of sign Aquarius with Saturn & Ketu is the co-lord of the sign Scorpio with Mars. Houses: In Vedic Astrology there are 12 houses similar to the 12 signs in astrology, these houses represents certain aspects of our life, the 1st house in birth chart is the house of self, which governs are physical self and our thinking process, 2nd house is the house of wealth and family, 3rd house is the house of our strength, siblings and travel, 4th house is the house of mother & our home environment, 5th house is the house of our love & relationships, children, 6th house is the house of debt, illness, enemies, 7th house is the house of marriage & business partnerships, 8th house is the house of occult, mysticism, hidden secrets, 9th house is the house of father, religion, luck in life, 10th house is the house of career, 11th house is the house of income, elder siblings, 12th house is the house of foreign settlement, expenses, spirituality. Discover your true potential with a birth chart reading Book Your Birth Chart Reading Today Instagram Youtube

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